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Joana Paredes wins ACTIVA Inspiring Women Award

The recognition was awarded for her work on the metastasisation of triple negative breast cancer to the bones, contributing to the development of new therapeutic strategies.

27 de September 2024 | News

Joana Paredes wins the ACTIVA Inspiring Women Award. The recognition was awarded for her work on the metastasisation of triple negative breast cancer to the bones, contributing to the development of new therapeutic strategies.

The recognition was awarded for her work on the metastasisation of triple negative breast cancer to the bones, contributing to the development of new therapeutic strategies.

Joana Paredes, leader of the Cancer Metastasis group at the University of Porto’s Institute for Health Research and Innovation and president of ASPIC (Portuguese Association for Cancer Research), was honoured by the AstraZeneca Foundation for her work on the metastasisation of triple negative breast cancer to the bones.

Researcher Joana Paredes, known for her outstanding work in the field of breast cancer, received the AstraZeneca Foundation’s Faz Ciência award. The recognition was awarded for an innovative study exploring the mechanisms that lead triple negative breast cancer to metastasise to the bones. This study, led by Joana Paredes, stands out for its relevance in advancing scientific knowledge about breast cancer metastasisation, contributing to the development of new therapeutic strategies.

Joana Paredes, leads the ‘Cancel Stem’ project, co-financed by COMPETE 2020 with 2.5 million euros, aimed at exploring new approaches to understanding and fighting cancer.

The project, led by i3S, involves the collaboration of 75 researchers from 18 Portuguese research teams, united in the aim of developing anti-neoplastic therapies centred on Cancer Stem Cells.

Joana Paredes explains the importance of the funding obtained in this area:

‘I was very happy to have had a positive response to our application. Firstly, because it will make it possible to consolidate national research into Cancer Stem Cells, which is an area that is very fragmented in our country. Secondly, because it will allow us to bring together excellent researchers working in oncobiology (essentially at i3S), basic cell biology (especially at IGC) and the development of new therapeutic strategies (as is the case at CNC), making it possible to strengthen the collaboration that already exists between research groups at these institutions.’

Support from COMPETE 2020

The Cancel Stem project was co-financed by COMPETE 2020 under the Scientific and Technological Research Support System and had an eligible investment of 2.5 million euros and an ERDF incentive of 1.9 million euros.

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